2019年3月25日美方發布301征稅340億清單第二批產品排除目錄 |
全部排除稅號 |
美國稅號 |
具體排除產品(英文版) |
具體排除產品(中文參考版) |
8412.21.0045 |
8607.21.1000 |
部分排除稅號 |
美國稅號 |
具體排除產品(英文版) |
具體排除產品(中文參考版) |
8413.81.0040 |
Breast pumps, whether or not with accessories or batteries |
吸乳器,不論是否帶有配件或電池 |
8421.21.0000 |
Machinery for filtering water, submersible, powered by batteries, manually operated, such machinery designed for use in pools, basins, aquariums, spas or similar contained bodies of water |
潛水用水過濾機械,由電池供電,手動操作,此類機械設計用于水池,水池,水族館,水療中心或類似的封閉水體 |
8421.21.0000 |
Hand-held ultraviolet water;purifiers,powered by batteries。 |
手持式紫外線水;由電池供電的凈化器。 |
8421.22.0000 |
Filters designed to remove sulfites from win |
用于去除葡萄酒中亞硫酸鹽的過濾器 |
8421.99.0040 |
Filter housings,covers,or couplings,the foregoing of steel and comprising parts of machinery or apparatus for filtering liquids |
過濾器外殼,蓋子或聯軸器,上述鋼材,包括用于過濾液體的機器或設備部件 |
8431.49.9095 |
Vulcanized rubber tracks. each incorporating cords and cleats of steel,designed for use on construction equipment |
硫化橡胺履帶,每根都包合鋼絲繩和夾板,設計用于建筑設備 |
8501.10.4020 |
Electric motors,AC, permanent split capacitor type, each in a housing with outside diameter of 84 mm or less, with output of 6W or more but not exceeding 16w |
電動機,交流電,永久分高電容器型,每個都在外徑為84毫米或以下的外売中,輸出功率為6瓦或以上但不超過16瓦 |
8471.70.6000 |
Automated data processing storage units (other than magnetic disk drive units), not assembled in cabinets for placing on a table or similar place, not presented with any other unit of a system |
自動數據處理存儲單元(磁盤驅動器單元除外),未組裝在機柜中放置在桌子或類似場所,未與系統的任何其他單元一起提供 |
9027.90 5650 |
Inoculator sets of plastics, each consisting of a plate with multiple wells,a display tray,and a lid;when assembled, the set measuring 105 mm or more but not exceeding 108 mm in width 138 mm or more but not exceeding 140 mm in depth, and 6.5 mm or less in thickness |
接種器塑料組,每個塑料組有多個孔的板,一個展示托盤和一個蓋子組成;組裝時,該組件的寬度為105毫米或以上但不超過108毫米,深度為138毫米或以上但不超過140毫米,厚度為6.5毫米或以下 |
2019年3月25日美方發布301征稅340億清單第二批產品排除目錄 |
美國稅號 |
恢復加征25%關稅產品(英文版) |
恢復加征25%關稅產品(中文參考版) |
8430.31.0040 |
所有商品 |
8413.70.2004 |
Submersible centrifugal pumps,each powered by 36 v motor |
潛水離心泵,毎臺由36V電機供電 |
8413.91.9095 |
Impellers of plastic designed for centrifugal pumps,each of the foregoing with outside dianeter of 73 mm or more but not more than 74 mm.(described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095, effective January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080, effective prior to January 1, 2019) |
鑄鐵葉輪外殼;為離心泵設計的塑料葉輪,上述每根外徑為73毫米或以上但不超過74臺米。2019年1月1日之前編碼:8413.91.9080,1月之后編碼:8413.91.9095 |
8413.91.9095 |
Impeller housings of cast iron(described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095, effective January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080, effective prior to January 1, 2019) |
鑄鐵葉輪外殼。2019年1月1日之前編碼:8413.91.9080,1月之后編碼:8413.91.9095 |
8414.90.4165 |
Compressor housings designed for turbochargers |
為渦輪增壓器設計的壓縮機殼體 |
8421.19.0000 |
Salad spinners,of plastics,not electrically powered |
塑料沙拉旋轉器,非電動 |
8421.21.0000 |
Machinery designed for removing waste from water in saltwater aquariums by injecting air bubbles then filtering such bubbles |
通過注入氣泡然后過濾掉氣泡來從鹽水水族館的水中去除廢物的機械 |
8421.21.0000 |
Electronic water oxidizers designed for purifying water for household washing machines |
設計用于凈化家用洗衣機水的電子水氧化劑 |
8428.32.0000 |
Steel L-shaped bucket elevator,each comprising steel buckets bolted to a steel chain with guide wires and drive system |
鋼制L形斗式提升機,每個都包括用栓固定在鋼上的鋼制支架,帶有導絲和驅動系統 |
8439.91.9000 |
Rotors designed to agitate paper and water into pulp,of stainless steel, the foregoing comprising parts of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic materials |
設計用于將紙和水攪拌成不銹鋼紙漿的轉子,前述包括用于制造纖維狀纖維素材料紙漿的機器部件 |
8479.10.0060 |
Bituminous pavers, self-propelled, each with a weight exceeding 14.9 metric tons but not exceeding 18.2 metric tons,with working width of 2.4m or more but not over 8.6m |
自行式瀝青攤鋪機,每個攤鋪機的重量超過14.9公噸但不超過18.2公噸,工作寬度為2.4米或以上但不超過8.6米 |
8481.30.9000 |
Check valves,of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene(ABS), each weighing 120 g or lesss |
丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯(ABS)止回閥,每只重量不超過120 g |
8481.30.9000 |
Check valves, of plastics |
塑料止回閥 |
8501.31.5000 |
DC motors rated at 739.6 W, each with a housing with external diameter of 85 mm or more but not exceeding 90 mm and weight of 257 g or less |
額定功率為739.6W的直流電機,每個外殼的外徑為85mm或以上但不超過90mm,重量力257g或以下 |
8504.32.0000 |
Electrical transformers,each with a power handling capacity rating of 1.8KVA,with external dimensions measuring approximately 13.3 cm by 12.7 cm by 11.4 cm |
電力変壓器,每個的功率處理能力等級為1.8千伏安,外部尺寸約為13.3厘米×12.7厘米×11.4厘米 |
8515. 11.0000 |
Battery powered soldering irons or soldering guns,not over 18 cm in length |
電池供電的烙鐵或焊槍,長度不超過18厘米 |
8538.90.6000 |
Knos of injection molded plastics |
注塑塑料旋鈕 |
8539.90.0000 |
Molybdenum foil filament assemblies,designed for use in ultraviolet lamps |
設計用于紫外線燈的鉬箔燈絲組件 |
9013. 80.7000 |
Thinfilm-transistor, light emitting diode(LED)backlit flat panel liquid crystal display modules, each with an aluminum bezel and a video display diagonal measuring 113 mm or more but not over 339 mm |
薄膜晶體管,發光二極管(LED)背光平板液晶顯示模塊,每個都帶有鋁質邊框和113毫米或以上但不超過339毫米的視頻顯示對角線 |
9014.80.2000 |
Depth-sounding apparatus with digital display,each designed{ for installation in a 63.5mm hole in dashboard, designed for recreational boating use |
具有數字顯示功能的深度測量設備,每個設計用于安裝在儀表板的63.5mm孔中,設計用于休閑劃船用途 |
9018.90. 7580 |
Restraint packs designed for use with chest compressors, each containing one torso restraint,consisting of a cotton strap which fastens with hook and loop fasteners to the compressor,and one cover for a head stabilizer |
設計用于胸部壓縮機的約束包,每個包合一個軀干約束裝置,包括一個用鉤環緊固件固定在壓縮機上的棉帶和一個用于頭部穩定器的蓋子 |
9031.80.8085 |
Tuners designed to clip onto musical instruments and indicate whether the instrument is in tune |
調音器設計用于夾在樂器上并指示樂器是否合格 |